Commitment is a choice, giving someone the very most precious space in time is an absolute choice, but love is the most destined occurrence and when it happens cupid strikes one accurate shot and it is felt mutually, perhaps sometimes so strongly (its an arrow afterall) incomprehensible in the human mind and masked by societal terms such as cliche, cheesy and cringy π this chosen connection is evident and undeniable, in all timelines willingly tied by that special red thread and no matter what , divine love will always be felt intuitively; apart from everything else effortlessly. Twin flames choose their specific twin and telepathically promise to find them in every incarnation. If there is no prominet reason for separation among the two, it is temporary as these two will never feel at ease without each other after recognizing what they mean to one another. πͺ½ Angels fall, like any bird learning to take the flight pero divine lovers have the choice to rise together. | Try effect | Country: US