Breastfeeding to sleep is normal and actually very beneficial for our children! #breastfeeding #naturaltermweaning #naturalnursing #tandemfeeding #tandembreastfeeding #tandembreastfeedingbiggerkids #normalisebreastfeeding #normalisethis #breastfeedingtok #breastfeedingfacts #factsaboutbreastfeeding #breastfeedingawareness #expressfeeding #expressedbreastmilk #humanmilkforhumanbabies | Most co-sleeping mothers report that the breastfeed and that they get far more sleep this way than tending to a baby that sleeps separated from them. | Important precursors to melatonin follow circadian rhythms in breast milk, but the hormone itself is also present and increases during periods of darkness. This is especially important during the first few weeks of life, when babies are not yet making their own supply of melatonin. | Labeling pumped milk with the time of day collected may help maintain the valuable connection between breast milk components and infant sleep even when mother has to be away. | Breastfeeding to sleep is NOT a bad habit! | Melatonin is a hormone that occurs naturally in your body. At night, your levels of melatonin rise, before returning to normal during the day. This helps to control how and when you sleep. | Since the hormone serves both a hypnotic role and also relaxes the gastrointestinal muscles, breast milk melatonin could be a major factor in early neurological development of sleep/wake cycles, as well as reduced colic incidence. | Country: GB