I know this is ment vot men but wtv "joce will grow a penis"@jocelynnferenceee #greenscreenvideo | I don't have a bestfriend, I have a joceylnn. joce will hold my hand when I get my first peircing, Joce will laugh at my ugly cry then help me, Joce will laugh at my dyslexia but still read things to me, Joce will tell me I'm pretty when i feel I'm not, Joce will sit and listen to my music when she dosent like it, Joce will sing Christmas songs with me at work, Joce will talk the most shit with me, Joce will tell me my guitar playing is good when we both know I fvcked up at least 3 times, Joce would go to the store and pick things up for me before I get to her house. We love Joce.<3 | Green Screen Video