#tw #nasassisticmother #narsassisticfamily #BigInkEnergy #anna #ana #ed #altgurl #childhoodtrauma #abuse | I didn’t have a mom. I had Jamie. Jamie left me and my brother at church daycare to go score. Jamie let me stay home alone at 5. Jamie told me at 10 that fat people have it harder. Jamie taught me how to count calories. Jamie would sleep in till 3pm. Jamie held me hostage at her home when I was 15. Jamie adopted other kids when she lost custody of my brother and I. Jamie is a master of excuses, a mniphlator and liar. Jamie let me try a vape for the first time when I was 12. Jamie has never appologized to me. Jamie tries to buy my love. Jamie is a ‘christain’. Jamie taught me how to count calories and listen to ‘ana’.